Hello, my name is Kyle Fujishige. I am pleased you made it here! I am a 2021 graduate from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Science in Computing Science with Specialization in Software Practice
What I Offer
I am a competent programmer with experience in full stack development.
Flask Applications Django Applications CherryPy Applications Scripting
Node.js + Express
1 major project made using Node.js + Express
1 major project made using ASP.NET Core
Android Studio
1 major project made using Android Studio
Bulma CSS
1 major project using Bulma, this site
Bootstrap CSS
3 major projects using Bootstrap
1 major project using React, this site
1 major project using Vue
SQL Server
1 major project using SQL Server
mainly used for local development testing. Many small projects used
2 major Heroku projects using Postgres
1 major project using MongoDB
1 major project using Firebase
Multiple Major Projects using MariaDB/MySQL
Multiple major projects using vanilla HTML/CSS/JS
Work Experience
Software Developer June 2021 - Present I am currently working at Visionstate IoT. My duties involve working on the development and maintenance of the WANDA system. - Worked with a small team of developers to create and maintain WANDA, the application that is designed to track washroom cleanliness. - Responsible for maintaining the front end and back end of both the mobile SPA application and the CMS, which was made in vanilla HTML, CSS, JS and Python. - Responsible for Linux system administration like deploying the AWS EC2’s on Arch Linux and deploying Lambdas using Serverless - Responsible for the MariaDB database, which is a MySQL RDBMS. - Responsible for maintaining the WANDA touch screens, which are embedded systems running on bare bones Arch Linux. - Versioning done using Mercurial
Alberta Health Services
IT Analyst Internship August 2019 - August 2020 I worked with a team of developers and business analysts that maintained all the applications being used for Contracting, Procurement, and Supply Management (CPSM). Within CPSM I was responsible for both maintaining existing applications and creating new applications. Key Accomplishments: - Created a SQL script that converted 13,000 drivers from an excel spreadsheet to a relational database with many tables and relations. - 1 of 3 developers responsible for creating an MVC (Model View Controller) web application using .NET ASP core. - Created a validation service layer using FluentValidation. This extensible service has very little coupling, thus if there is the need for a different server-side validation service, it can be easily switched out.
Robata Chef July 2016 - July 2019 I worked as a chef at Mikado in order to pay for my schooling. I also enjoy cooking and working in a team, so working at Mikado was perfect to help me get through school. While working at Mikado, I learned all about being a responsible team member with active duties where others depend on me to get my job done in a fast paced environment and in a timely manner.
Access Automotive
Apprentice Car Mechanic October 2012 - May 2016 While being a mechanic, I learned some very useful skills such as making proper estimates based on what you know needs to be done. I also learned the key skills needed to search through documentation in order to find instructions on how to repair a specific part in a car. The time I had as a mechanic is invaluable to me and has helped immensely in both my personal and professional endeavours.
Kyle's Website
This website (that you are currently viewing) was a project I made to both create a website for myself and to learn how to make a Single Page Application (SPA). This website is run on Django and PostgreSQL in the back end. The front end uses React.js and Bulma CSS libraries. By doing this, I am able to create a fast, friendly, and reusable SPA. This project took me 2 days from conception to deployment. All creation, viewing, editing, and deleting of the posts and content on this site can be done in the admin panel, therefore everything on this site can be changed without writing any code. Fun fact: this website is being hosted on my local network off of a Raspberry pi using gunicorn and nginx. By doing this, I now have a full understanding on how to create and deploy a web application from scratch.
YEG-AR is a web application that lets you create and view Augmented Reality (AR) tours. This was a project that focused on Agile development and delegation of duties across 5 team members. This project required developing good management skills because we had to analyze each other's skill sets and determine what aspects of the project would work best with which person. In my case, I worked on developing the front-end aspect of viewing a tour, and the back-end creation of users, including security. All parts of this project were completed remotely due to COVID-19.
Citrus Network
Citrus Network is also a project I created in a group. The entirety of this project was created remotely. This project was a challenge because we had to connect to other servers through their API's and they had to connect to us through our own API (Diaspora). By doing this we let the users on our server be able to interact with other servers' users with no distinction between servers. With this project, we attempted to focus on Agile development practices while being remote. In this project, I mostly worked on viewing posts, viewing the stream, login/register screen, viewing profiles, viewing public posts, likes/comments, and the inbox. In order to register and login, you need the admin to allow you to come in. Here is a dummy login that has already had admin access which can be used to view the site: username: lance password: secr1234
The Together Blog API
The Together Blog API uses Django to serve requests, and is deployed on Qovery. By using Django, we can utilize all the built in features like csrf logins and easy setup to a PostgreSQL database. This API has been made with Test Driven Development in mind. Thus, it has unit tests with over 95% code coverage and utilizes static analysis with sonarcloud to keep track of technical debt and security risks/hotspots.
Solo Projects
Some of my projects while in University have been posted to my own github repo. These were all projects with no collaboration. This is significant because I had to learn how to research, and program a lot on my own. This shows my strong problem solving skills and determination to complete every project given to me.
The booKeep app was a project I completed with 5 other team members. We used many agile and extreme programming practices like refactoring and pair programming to ensure we always had new things to strive for, as well as continuous new working code. We would also practice scrum to ensure everyone knew what they needed to do, as well as discovering any bottlenecks. Using all these practices we were able to create a very nice objected oriented android app with a lovely, simple to use interface. This app requires the usage of android studio and gradle to run.
About Me
Enjoys an Active Lifestyle
I enjoy living an active lifestyle. Some of my hobbies include jogging, hiking, foraging, cooking, working out, sun bathing, snowboarding and longboarding. I love getting fresh air, and always want to stop and take in life whenever I get the chance. Of course, I also have many hobbies indoors such as playing games with friends or watching YouTube/Netflix.
Loves Learning
One of my favourite hobbies is to acquire new knowledge and skills as I learn something new while solving a problem. This is directly related to my passion for developing new software and learning new technologies or approaches. New libraries and technologies come out at an incredible pace. Thinking about learning new technologies to increase the visual appeal of projects and to implement projects easier always has me excited for the new possibilities.
Lives life to the fullest
I try to live my life to the fullest by taking time to enjoy the small things
Enjoys Web Development
I enjoy all aspects of web development, both front end and back end. Thus, I love doing full stack and seeing the process of conception to completion.
People Person
I tend to get along with most people. I also love getting a fresh perspective from others, and learning new ideas and methods that I wouldn't have thought of alone.
Loves Fixing Problems
I love the feeling you get after you accomplish something that seemed daunting at first.
Fast Learner
I learn best by doing, and once I understand something, I tend to retain that information for a long time.
As a glass-half-full kind of person, being kind, considerate and honest are values I strive to live my life by.
Contact Me
GitHub: kylefuji
GitHub: fujishig2
Email: kylefuji63@gmail.com